
Question: what is the status of our local 70044 ?

One thing I am interested in is if there are plans to merge the PSAC local in the wider department with our own.  I would personally have some reservations, given that our local has worked hard and invested in developing a robust strike fund, and the other local likely has not done so.  I would not want us to loose or significantly dilute that which we have put lots of money into over the years.  For that reason, I do not want us to merge the locals.


We are in full support of your position, given our robust strike fund and the importance of having 5 votes per local at various PSAC conventions where delegates take important decisions.  However, the decision will not be ours to take but UNE’s President.

We have discussed the issue with him on a number of occasions and he has agreed that the locals will not merge as of yet and until there is further and complete clarity on what DFATD’s structure and locations will look like.  At that time, we will seek the local members’ views and will be ready to have a petition to UNE not to merge the locals.

Question: Will we change our location?

If our unit is physically moved to Sussex, and this doesn't work for where we live and for commuting, will we be given the chance to work in another job at 200 Promenade du Portage?


Management is aware of this issue. Where people work has not been decided as it will depend on the final structure of program branches.  Management is currently doing an inventory to assess all of the properties where DFATD personnel work.  Our local is conscious that many of our members have picked their place of residence based on proximity to 200 Promenade du Portage.  We will monitor this and advise members on options that may be available to those who prefer to stay on the Gatineau side of the river as soon as we know. 

Question: Do we retain our current classifications?

Will we retain our PM classification, or are they thinking of converting us to FS or EC?

Response :

Management is currently assessing how to best manage all of the occupational groups that fall under the ambit of the new department.  Our local is aware of the sensitivities of former CIDA staff, and will monitor developments on this front, advising members as soon as we have the information.

Question: there seems to be a difference between job descriptions and functions at DFAT and Development.

I am thinking of COMMS but I am sure this applies to others too - job descriptions seem similar at FAT and Development but as the work done is different, the pay level is different  too. How are these decisions being taken? Why are we not being consulted?


Management is aware of the differences between the former departments and is in the process of determining the precise nature of these differences.  Decisions are being made at the working level by HR professionals and agreement has been reached for our local to (along with other locals) hold monthly meetings with Management to discuss progress on this and other HR issues of concern to our members.

Question: What is the process when mass reclassifications occur during an amalgamation such as this?


This is the first time this has been an issue for our local.  Once we have further clarity on how the process would unfold, we will consult PSAC and inform you of the process.  PSAC has overseen and consulted on many occasions in such processes and are uniquely qualified to assist the locals and our Regional offices to ensure the rights of our members are upheld.

Question: Different classifications may impair mobility

If we have different classifications, then how will we be able to apply for postings, or HQ positions on the DFAIT side of the department (and how will political colleagues apply for a development position?) I am supportive of the idea of mobility and job opportunities across the entire new department, but can't see how this will happen if we have different classifications. 


The posting cycle for this year will be run by each former department, with work underway to prepare for a department-wide posting process in 2014/15.  Our local is conscious of the concerns of former CIDA staff and will monitor closely the approach being suggested by management for next year’s posting process.

Question: Can those not in a rotational pool who are PM’s (from DFAT) apply to the former CIDA posts?


The statement of merit for the former CIDA postings for 2013/14 will, as has been the case in previous years, reflect a requirement for “development” knowledge and experience, as these are essential requirements for filling former CIDA positions in the missions abroad.   We will be confirming with management the extent to which this requirement can still be incorporated into the new department-wide posting process starting in 2014.

Question: more DRAP cuts?

I hear that DFAIT has to go through another DRAP process. In GPB we had a very difficult and deep cut in CIDA's DRAP process. Can we be assured that we won't be subjected to another DRAP when DFAIT has to make cuts?


We are not aware of any further DRAP for DFAIT as we are now one department.  According to our collective agreement, and the Work Force Adjustment Directive, Departments are obliged to advise the unions of any future cuts within a certain timeframe.  The unions have not been advised of any further cuts to DFATD.

Question: Will the Paper-file management unit, located at 45 Sacré Cœur, be privatised ? If so, will this have an impact on our jobs ?


Early after the announcement of Amalgamation, prior to the ratification and Royal Ascent, a general meeting was held with all IMTB employees to discuss this and other issues. Co chairs, Jacques Mailloux and Séphane Cousineau, reassured staff at that time, that while the decision to privatise the xDFAIT Records Management was decided prior to Amalgamation, it in no way means that a decision was made to do the same for xCIDA. Decisions like these will take time to discuss, plan and consult. For the time being, 45 SC remains at status quo. As further information is available to us, we will inform you.