The representatives
Local Executive
Your Local President:
Shahrzad Sedigh

- Is the Chief Executive Officer and coordinates the administration of Local affairs through the other officers and Local Committees.
Presides at all membership meetings and executive meetings of the Local and is an ex-officio member of all committees of the Local.
Decides, by application of the Rules of Order, all question of procedures as chairperson.
Is the chief spokesperson of the Local in its dealings with management.Shahrzad acted as president during the latter part of 2011 and was elected into the position in 2012.
Her mission is to promote a healthy and safe environment for our membership through advocating to senior management at various Union/Management committees and individually. Last year, her entire attention was focussed on representing members during workforce adjustment and individual representation. In the next two years we will be working through the challenges of the merger. Do not hesitate to contact Shahrzad or other members of the executive for guidance, advice or action. Your local executive is here for you. Together We Stand Stronger.
Your Local 1st Vice-President:
Anna Bogdan-Thukral
- Performs the duties of the President in case of the absence or resignation of that officer. Conducts meetings on behalf of the President or assumes the chair when the President vacates it for any reason during a meeting. Is responsible for specific portfolios as assigned by the Local. Assists chairpersons of committees as required.
- You can always communicate with Anna for information, to discuss your worries or delicate situations with which you require guidance or assistance.
Your Local 2nd Vice-President:
Anne Lavender
- Performs the duties of the 1st Vice-President in case of the absence or resignation of that officer. Conducts meetings on behalf of the Vice-President or assumes the chair when the Vice-President vacates it for any reason during a meeting. Anne was elected to the local Executive as 2nd Vice-President in June 2013.
- Her specific area of interest is the upcoming amalgamation with DFAT and, along with the President, she will be representing the membership on this file. She will also represent the membership on issues of importance at conferences, conventions and other union functions where our Local requires representation. Feel free to communicate with Anne if you need any information, or if you would like to share any concerns you may have for which you would appreciate receiving guidance or assistance.
Your Local Secretary:
Nguyet Vu
- The Secretary is responsible for the administrative duties of the Local.
- Records the minutes of all membership and executive meetings.
- Administers all communications emanating from or received by the Local.
- Administers the reports of committees.
- Works closely with the President on all Local matters. Maintains a filing system for the Local.
Your Local Treasurer:
Stephen Smith
- Is accountable to the Local Executive for all finances receivable and payable. Prepares and submits financial reports to each executive or general meeting. Collects and deposits Local funds. Carries out other duties as delegated by the Local. Alerts the Local about Rand members (dues paying members who have not joined the union) so that they can be signed up.
Your Local Chief Steward:
Vacant (Shared by Local Executive)
- Recruits Stewards, organizes and chairs the Stewards' Committee/Network. Sets up and maintains a communication system amongst the Stewards. Advises Stewards and provides guidance and support in specific technical areas. Ensures the proper application by management and members of existing collective agreements, arbitral awards, acts and regulations. Solves problems related to the organization, maintenance and efficiency of the stewards' network. Works closely with all Stewards, Executive Officers, Committees and Component staff.
Your Local Health and Safety Representative:
Sylvie Leblanc
- Takes the lead in promoting the maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers; the prevention among workers of ill-health caused by their working conditions; the protection of workers in their employment from factors promoting ill-health; the placing and maintenance of workers in an occupational environment adapted to their physiological and psychological condition.
Your Human Rights Representative:
Paul Gatto
- The Human Rights Representative actively participates in Committees to address discrimination of any kind, to educate members on human rights issues and to promote and seek the implementation of employment equity measures in their workplaces and at the Local level. This latter objective is carried out within the Local, as well as through the process of negotiation and consultation with management.
- This is Paul's first mandate as Human Rights Rep and as such, he will work with and support members from equity groups to discuss, identify and strategize around how to best address issues of particular concern to them. In collaboration with colleagues on our local's executive, he will also work with all members to address broader human rights issues that impact us in the workplace. It is his priority and a key priority for the local to safeguard our rights as employees and to be active in ensuring that the principles of equity, equality and fairness are not sacrificed to expediency during these times of transition. We encourage members to get in touch with Paul when you need support or have questions about issues, concerns or situations that arise.
Your Local Communications Officer:
Paul Thomas
- Responsible for updating the Local website and outreach to membership with other social media (facebook, twitter etc.) And most importantly trying not to break the fine website that Yan Marhone built for us. (I'm being careful I promise.)