Health and Safety at work

Historically, workers have always been preoccupied by safety in their work environment. Essentially, workers want to operate in an environment that lets them leave work alive at the end of the day. This is a strong statement, but it still reflects the reality of many workers. The definition of Health and Safety has evolved over time and has taken another dimension, which now encompasses long-term physical and mental health in the workplace.  Health and Safety is one of the responsibilities of the employer. However, workers also have a responsibility in this area; ensuring that the employer respects his obligations as prescribed by law and defined in the collective agreements.

Your health and Safety representative

One member of your union's executive committee, for local 70044 of the Union of National employees (UNE), is designated as the Health and Safety Representative. He co-presides the joint committee (employer/union) with a representative of the employer. Together, they will guide the committee and its' activities on a consensual basis. Three unions are represented on this committee. The Health and Safety representative is elected for a two-year term during the Annual General Assembly (AGA) of your local 70044.

The Health and Safety Committee

The Canadian Labor code (Article 135 of Part II) foresees the establishment of joint Health and Safety committees. The committee meets every month and is co-chaired, alternatively, by a representative of the employer and the Health and Safety representative of your local 70044.

For the time being, amalgamation did not have an impact on the Health and Safety committee. This means that monthly Health and safety meetings are dedicated solely to Health and Safety issues and subjects related to the Development group of our new Department. Members will continue being served by their own Local 70044 until further notice.

For any question concerning Health and safety issues at work, please contact your representative: Sylvie Leblanc, (343) 203-5843

Health and Safety Activities at work

Building inspections
  • Each year, a group of volunteers' works together to inspect all buildings to identify any issue with accepted and recognized Health and Safety standards. These inspections make it possible to identify Health and Safety problems or shortcomings in order to bring them to the attention of the competent authorities.
Enquiries in Health and Safety accidents and injuries
  • The Joint Health and Safety Committee participates in enquiries related to Health and Safety accidents and injuries. It promotes Health and Safety, and promotes the divulgation of each Health and Safety accident or injury, even those that are avoided.
  • Your Local 70044 must take every opportunity to identify training in Health and Safety for its' members, union representatives, committee members and your Local Executive members.
Special Committees
  • Resources permitting, your Local 70044 can establish committees to advance special files, such as in-building air quality, contaminated sites, ergonomics, etc.